#00 Jason Miller

VirtualHoopssm is a new online recruiting service that has been developed to help streetball and high school basketball players gain exposure to college basketball programs. Basketball players, coaches and scouts can maximize their efforts and time in finding the right program for their skills or finding the right talent for their program.

Parents of athletes in high school have a new title these days: Sports Agents. They market, sell, and close the deal for their children to get into colleges just like the agents market professional athletes. Most parents, however, do not know what is involved in the recruiting process: questionnaires, videos, deadlines, guidelines, camps, visits, etc.
Our service has been designed to take full advantage of the World Wide Web and other forms of media to make the recruiting process and servicing your needs easier than ever before, for both parents and coaches.

VirtualHoops strives to bring all of the resources on the internet together into one neat package. We offer some of the most comprehensive tools to help you save time and money:

  • Complete player profiles including photos, current stats, contact information, G.P.A, test scores, and college choices if applicable and actual footage placed on the profile.
  • Training tips from current college coaches and players to help athletes elevate their games, including strength training, jump training and nutrition.
  • Chat room events where high schoolers can personally chat with college players.
  • Full information on all eligibility requirements for the NCAA, NAIA, and NJCAA.
  • A guide to the recruiting process, to help answer any questions and take the guess work out.
  • Links to financial aid (FAFSA) deadlines and guidelines.
  • Tips for passing college entrance exams (S.A.T & A.C.T). Links to help sites to take practice exams, register and more.
  • Links to airline, car rental and hotel reservation sites and our own athletic supply companies.
  • Streetballers- a service for non-traditional players who are not part of an organized system but may have the skills to help one.
    ........plus more to come.
    For more on the VirtualHoops Streetball Showcase, Click Here
    VirtualHoops Streetball Showcase
    The main feature of this service, however, is that coaches and other subscribers can get actual footage of players ordered at the click of a button. Coaches subscribing to VirtualHoopssm can opt to receive a CD-ROM of all the players in our service to be used in conjunction with the website. Coaches will be able to identify a potential recruit by watching thier video clip and order that game in it's entirety on VHS tape or Video CD. Some games can be fully edited to include game time statistics.

    There are many recruiting services available for athletes to try, some of which charge healthy sums of money for what they offer. That's why our memberships are absolutely FREE because YOU do all the work.....the countless hours of running, practice and training. The biggest factor in getting recruited will always depend on HOW GOOD YOU ARE. We don't want your efforts to go unnoticed. Nobody can guarantee you a scholarship but we want athletes to get the exposure they need to land themselves the scholarships they deserve. So whether you are a 6'6" high flying forward or NCAA Division II coach, we have the solution to your recruiting needs.

      © 2002 VirtualHoops, C.D.i Enterprises. All rights reserved. "Ball and Zeroes", "VirtualHoops"
     and "The Future of Online Recruiting" are servicemarks of C.D.i Enterprises.
