Exposure is what it's all about in high school athletics. Getting the right people to take notice of you at the right time is so crucial to getting recruiting to college, I don't think I can stress it enough.
If you are out of sight, you are out of mind!!!!!
The biggest misconcept that I have heard is: "If you are good, they'll find you". Truth is that there could be over 2 million high school basketball players in the country right now. And every one of those players want the same spot on a college team that you do. Furthermore, most of these colleges aren't the ones you see on televsion and they don't have the huge recruiting budgets to travel. There is simply not enough spots to go around. Scholarships are "first come, first served".
Don't get passed over. Let the coaches know that you have game and you mean business.

This package is for the athlete who's HUNGRY! Designed to give maximum exposure, the Platinum Package is the most intensive effort an athlete can give to get recruited. If it is exposure you need to go to the next level, you've got it covered with the Platinum!
The Platinum Package includes:
Video of your best game sent to ten (10) schools nationwide on VHS tape and CD-ROM. Your video will be sent to each coach you select in both formats so each coach will have every opportunity to evaluate your game whether at home in a VCR or on the road on their laptop.
Hard copies (printed) of your Digital Profile to accompany your video to your top ten coaches. This assures that even if there is no computer in sight, they have your full and complete information to view anytime. You never want to be "out of sight, out of mind".
Based on our evaluation of you, we will choose 10 colleges that are apart of the VirtualHoops Recruiting Community to send email notifications to so they can view your profile, with your stats and video, bringing you total college exposure to 20 schools!!

This package is a scaled-down version of the Platinum. The Gold Package is designed for direct exposure: It's for the athletes who have narrowed their collegiate choices down.
The Gold Package includes:
Video of your best game sent to three (3) schools nationwide on VHS tape and CD-ROM. Your video will be sent to each coach you select in both formats so each coach will have every opportunity to evaluate your game whether at home in a VCR or on the road on their laptop.
Hard copies (printed) of your Digital Profile to accompany your video to those coaches.
Based on our evaluation of you, we will choose up to 10 colleges that are apart of the VirtualHoops Recruiting community to send email notifications to so they can view your profile, with your stats and video, bringing you total college exposure to 13 schools!!
Order your package