Why Should Your Program Subscribe?
The World Wide Web could possibly be one of the greatest developments for the field of communications. It contains a wealth of information instantly retrievable and can make many activities less time consuming. However, the Internet can be very intimidating for those unfamiliar with it. Remembering addresses can sometimes be a downright chore.
VirtualHoops has been developed with the coach in mind. We have linked all of the resources a coach would need, efficiently, to one web page: you only have one address to remember to go anywhere you need. Need to travel? Need to rent a car? How about the weather- anywhere? Need to order shoes, jerseys, headbands, anything? It's all there in one place with no searching.
Your need for talent is the reason you are here. We are building a database of student-athletes and street players that will number in the hundreds. We will be able to feature players who were unable to attend camps and players you may have missed because they attended a camp that you did not. The great thing about VirtualHoopssm is less travel: spend more time at home and less time on the recruiting trail.
We realize that not every player is capable of helping every program. However, many of your programs are not the major NCAA Division I schools that are constantly featured on primetime television. Many of the players that will be a part of this service will be able to play at the high major level and some will not. No matter what division you are in- NCAA Division I, II, III, NAIA, NJCAA, etc...- There could be a student-athlete able to fit your needs here.
Information is knowledge. Knowledge is power. Having the incorrect information, however, is a waste of time and can be especially frustrating. You have the option of being sent a CD-ROM of all of the players' profiles at VirtualHoops.
Here is a just an example a typical profile you would see.
Each player will have updated season stats and correct contact information along with academic standing (G.P.A and test scores if taking) and other colleges interested. With a subscription, this is all available 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year.
This is the heart of the operation. Most players featured will have video footage of themselves in action: not highlight reels but actual game footage so you can see what the kid is really about and the level of competition he or she plays against.
As a subscriber, you will be able to have these games mailed to you in any format you choose: VHS tape or Video CD (recommended). Discs are recommended because of their versatility and mobility. Most laptop computers have or can be installed with a DVD player or CD drive. You can use your time more efficiently during lengthy road trips by simply popping in a disc.
If a player has video that you can order, a clip of their game will be featured on their personal profile, like the profile above.
Many programs subscribe to multiple scouting services to view kids who attended their camps, totaling to a great deal of money. Here, you have the opportunity to view as many athletes as you like for FREE. The only cost to you is a $10 shipping and processing fee per video ordered to cover our production costs.
If this opportunity to drastically reduce the effort and time you spend on recruiting interests you, click on the SIGN UP button below to get started!