Video is the most conclusive way for any coach to guage your talent, plain and simple. Video footage gives that coach the chance to assess your strengths and weaknesses, your athleticism, your attitude and the level of competition you play against. Regardless of what they may hear or read about you, no coach recruits an athlete sight unseen. That would be similar to making a major purchase, like a car, without ever seeing it first.What other people say about you and your stats will get their attention but it's video that can get you the scholarship.
There's no better way to represent yourself than with professionally edited video of your best games. Coaches hate viewing recruiting tapes in which the quality is so poor that they can't tell if the player they're scouting is even in the game. That's where we come in, giving young basketball players the opportunity to have their skills showcased properly.
Why settle for poor quality tapes?

Get the clear difference! |

Imagine there's an ad in the paper for a car that was absolutely beautiful to look at. Now let's say they forgot to mention that it didn't have an engine at all. You'd be pretty mad that you wasted your time investigating that car. Coaches get this on a daily basis: Scouting players intensely only to find out that the player is not exactly what they need. The best way to present yourself is with your single best game, not a hightlight tape. Hightlight tapes are great to show all the good you can do in a snazzy video collage, but coaches want to know every aspect of your game, including the bad. Then they can know exactly what they are getting.
 You can have your best single game edited to include game-time statistics as you make them, just like televised games. These games keep running totals of the statistical categories: Points, shots, rebounds, steals, percentages and more.
Single Game Editing....
Includes Master VHS copy and Video CD.
Since we are based in Atlanta, metro area high schools and streetball courts will have the chance to get their games taped at random. We will randomly pick courts or high schools match-ups to tape and edit so participants in those videos can purchase crystal clear footage of themselves in action.